Friday's Show has special guest Sherry Coman! 4pm

Special guest Sherry Coman is a dear friend of mine (and godmother to my children!). She is about to be ordained as a Christian minister in the Anglican tradition. She is also a film professor at Humber, artist and all around amazing person. We will discuss the spiritual and creative implications and expressions of this pandemic. Tune in for live music, creative inspiration and more!

The Athena Reich Variety Show with special guest Brandie Hadfield (nutritionist / health)

Athena Reich streaming live with original music and special guest Brandie Hadfield to talk about food, smoothies, health & more! Brandie is creator of the DREAM method (Diet, Rest, Exercise, attitude, motivation) and is such a center of knowledge and brilliant ideas! More about Athena at and more about Brandie on FB @ The DREAM Method

Will stream live above!


As promised - for those of you not on facebook, here it is! Please watch & share and check back here (or on facebook) every Friday at 4pm for more shows! It’s two videos as we had technical difficulties for a minute and had to log out and back in but otherwise we had good sound and connection!

Athena performing every FRIDAY at 4pm on Facebook LIVE

Every Friday at 4pm please join me for a show on my public facebook page Athena Reich

Also please join the facebook group to be sure to never miss a show and make special requests etc!

Music! Comedy! Special Guests! Covid Cooking Tips!? Maybe.. maybe not.. I don’t know let’s figure it out! Join live as I respond to each and every comment - it’s so much fun!

This week’s special guest - Friday May 29th - will be Tym Moss! (singer/songwriter/survivor/thriver from NYC!)

What I'm doing now that my industries are totally shut down...

As some of you know, I was set to fly to London UK to perform Lady Gaga: #artbirth for a 4 week run. Then we were going to San Francisco for 3 weeks. Also, Phoenix was busy working as a child actor on a huge TV show (not at liberty to discuss yet)… and as you can imagine it’s all on pause.

Also, some of you know I earn some steady income with short term rentals (a house near Disney, where it’s legal). Well that’s all kaput for the moment, too!

So what am I doing?

Diving back into TEACHING.

Also, accepting new clients as a LIFE COACH.

And some of you know that I have published some articles. I am also looking for more writing work. (creative, articles). I’m even seeing if there’s any on air hosting work I can get back into (remember when I hosted The Curious Cook, Under the Pink Carpet (PBS) and had a gig with Jerry Springer on Air America Radio?).

And, I am creating videos for clients as Lady Gaga (and other characters). Do you want to hire me to create a customized video for your company, or virtual event? Or, for only $100 you can hire me as Gaga (or Celine, Madonna, Alanis, Cher or Marilyn) to appear at your next zoom meeting. How fabulous is that!?

CONTACT me with questions.

As you can see.. I am hustling, like all artists at the moment. Unfortunately, our industries are hit hard, but I’m genuinely excited to see what new projects evolve from this. Necessity is the mother of invention!

If you have an idea for collaboration, hit me up! I’m also working on some online performances.

STAY HEALTHY. KEEP DISTANCE. FIND NATURE. FIND FUN. GO EASY ON YOURSELF. (this advice is as much for me as for anyone!)



New TV project!!!

Very excited to announce that I am writer/producer/host of an upcoming episode of Charlie David’s (Border2Border Productions) “OutSpoke” on OutTV in the new year. I was on set with Charlie and pitched an idea to him of doing an episode about families who are outside the box, based on my online magazine Alternative Families International ( He loved it, and it has been greenlit by OutTV! Never stop dreaming, talking up your ideas and hoping!


New agent!

Very excited to announce I will now be repped by Glickman-Alexander Talent Management. It's time for a change and we are all over the moon excited about all the projects that lay ahead!

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